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  1. Applicability:
  2. The following conditions shall apply to all offers, deliveries and work, unless the parties have explicitly agreed to a different arrangement in writing.
  3. These general conditions of sale shall be considered known by the purchaser: the absence of any reaction within eight days after initially becoming aware of them will invoke the applicability thereof, including that of subsequent agreements.
  4. These general conditions of sale shall have absolute priority over the order and/or purchase conditions of the purchaser, even if the latter stipulates the opposite.
  5. In the event of late payment, the seller reserves the right, without a summons, to suspend performance of the agreement, regardless of whether they arise from the present or from previous or subsequent contracts, and to resume them only, unless otherwise stipulated, after payment has been made.
  6. Any payment arrears, even partial, on the part of the purchaser on the due date shall entitle the seller to cancel the contract automatically and at law.
  7. Such cancellation may be notified by any legal means. The interest on arrears, as well as the fixed compensation, shall remain due to the seller regardless of the cancellation of the sale.
  8. The drawing and/or acceptance of bills of exchange or other negotiable documents shall not imply any substitution of one debt for another and shall not constitute a deviation from the Conditions of Sale.
  9. All legal claims in connection with these invoices or contracts shall fall under the jurisdiction of the Courts of Ghent. However, the seller may also bring legal actions before the Court of the debtor's domicile.
  10. Cancellation of orders: if the purchaser cancels an order, he shall be obliged to pay all costs incurred for the execution.
  11. The fastness of the ink colours is not guaranteed. A deviation shall neither justify the refusal of the merchandise nor the request for a price reduction.
  12. In the production of bags or similar products, a quantity of 2% of substandard bags shall be considered as normal. Moreover, a deviation of 10% more or less on the ordered quantities will always be accepted by the purchaser. This deviation will be 25% for orders of 10,000 bags and 35% for orders of 5,000 bags and fewer. Products sold by weight are invoiced gross for net.
  13. The shades of plastic and paper as well as non-woven may vary from one production to another. The seller cannot undertake to always provide the same quality or purity as the samples. A slight difference in form, quality, or thickness shall not in any way justify a complaint or refusal.
  14. The permissible clearance up and down in thickness for all our products is 15%, length and width tolerance up to 25 mm.
  15. Any complaint or protest of whatever nature must be formulated upon receipt of the delivered goods. Complaints must be submitted by registered letter within eight days of receipt of the delivered goods.
  16. Non-payment of the invoices on the due date shall entail by operation of law and without notice the obligation for the purchaser to pay default interest on the discount rate of the National Bank of 8.5% and with a minimum of 8% per month on the invoice amount, all this from the invoice date as well as a fixed compensation of 20% on the invoice amount with a minimum of EUR 50.
  17. When ordering, the purchaser agrees to use the goods, delivered by the seller and printed in the name of the purchaser, as promotional and publicity material.
  18. Late delivery cannot give rise to compensation or refusal of the goods.
  19. The goods remain the property of the seller until the price has been paid in full. All risks shall be borne by the purchaser. The seller shall retain any advance payments to compensate for possible losses on resale.

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